Cumming Family Medicine provides friendly and caring medical services for every member of your family. Whether the medical need is for primary, secondary, acute care, chronic care or preventative care Cumming Family Medicine is your best choice for excellent health care services.
Family Medicine Doctors provide 1 in 4 office visits made to physicians. Unlike other medical specialists who focus on a specific type of disease or a specific part of the body, family medicine doctors provide comprehensive care to patients of all ages through all stages of life. They treat a large variety of different health conditions. “Family physicians do not treat diseases; they take care of people.”
You can count on the Cumming Family Medicine staff to help oversee your preventative care and manage chronic illnesses. Stroke, heart disease, asthma, diabetes and cancer are some of the most common chronic and degenerative conditions managed by family physicians. They provide ongoing and personalized care to you through some of the most challenging times in your life, and use diagnostic tests to assess your progress and determine the next best step in your individualized treatment plan.
Another great reason for regularly seeing your family doctor is they provide treatment to you and your family over long periods of time. Family doctors know your medical history very well. They know what’s “normal” for you and are often the first person you confide in when you experience new or unusual symptoms. Your family doctor’s familiarity with your medical records helps to quickly recognize a significant change that might indicate a serious or hidden condition. They can also help manage all prescription medicine. Receiving medicines from multiple doctors, clinics or hospitals can be dangerous. Your primary care doctor can help coordinate your complete care and review medicines from multiple sources to reduce the chances of being over prescribed medications or adverse drug interactions.
Cumming Family Doctors educate our patients in disease prevention and health maintenance. They care for your entire well being, including your mental and emotional needs.
They are also your go-to-source when you, or a family member, has a flu virus, kidney infection, a bad headache, needs a vaccination or other common health care condition. Family doctors are often the first to screen you for early signs of serious diseases such as cancer, and often they’re the first to detect emerging conditions. They order, perform and interpret tests to diagnose conditions, explain the results to you and then monitor your progress and re-evaluate your treatment when necessary.
Cumming Family Medicine has a great network of local specialist if your condition becomes serious and requires a more concentrated focus. They stay involved and informed, acting as your primary care physician.
Schedule your appointment today and take the first step to improving your health and lifestyle!
Kelly A.
John G.
Martha Payne